The History of the Toothbrush: From Twigs to the Sonic Brush

When you think about essential daily routines brushing your teeth is probably up there at the top; it is usually the first thing you do when you get up and also usually one of the last things you do before retiring for the night.

But have you ever wondered how the toothbrush, the cornerstone of oral hygiene, came to be? Let's just say we've come a long way from twigs, bird feathers and porcupine qills (ouch!) to the latest in advanced technology, with the Sonic Brush leading the way. 


Ancient Roots: From Babylonians to Egyptians

The history of the toothbrush dates back to around 3500 BC. Ancient Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations used primitive tools made of twigs to clean their teeth. Known as Miswak, these twigs came from the Salvadora Persica tree and were believed to possess antiseptic and healing properties.

The Middle Ages: Salt Solutions and Twigs

As time passed, different civilisations adopted alternative methods for oral care. For instance, the Greeks would use cloth soaked in salt solutions and sulphur oils, which were then rubbed onto the teeth and gums. A stick was sometimes used to reach the back teeth/molars.

Modern Advancements: Boar bristles to Mass Production

Fast forward to 1438 in China, where the first toothbrush resembling todays design, (with handles often made from precious metals such as silver and ivory) emerged. However, the use of Siberian wild boar hair or porcupine quills as bristles was very harsh on the gums. Enter William Addis in 1780, an English entrepreneur, who conceived the idea of the toothbrush as know it, whilst incarcerated in prison. On his release he founded the Addis Company which went on to mass-produce the first commercial toothbrush in Europe, paving the way for manufacturing and distribution on a global scale.

Technological Advancements: Electric to Sonic

The modern toothbrush underwent several transformations, including the introduction of nylon bristles in 1930. This innovation was credited to the American entrepreneur Du Pont.

The 1950s saw further advancements with the introduction of the electric toothbrush which was invented in Switzerland.

Fast forward to 2019, and we arrive at the advent of the Sonic Brush. Invented by Dr. Max Spicer in Munich.

The Sonic Brush utilises a 360° ultrasound brushing effect, revolutionising the way we think about brushing our teeth. The Sonic Brush is clearly an example of  science meeting brilliance for a truly revolutionary approach to oral health.

The Sonic Brush: A Game-Changer in Oral Hygiene

Since its launch, the Sonic Brush has gained immense popularity, making it a primary choice for many. Unlike traditional toothbrushes, it excels at plaque removal and bad breath reduction. Its automatic function makes brushing not only efficient but also incredibly effective in preventing gum diseases and gingivitis.

The Sonic Brush is not just an elevation in your daily oral routine, but it is also a shield against the unseen "nasties" that compromise dental health and wellness (and we all know what a bad toothache feels like!)



From ancient twigs to cutting-edge technology, the Sonic Brush is the evolution of the toothbrush reflecting societies unending pursuit for better oral health.

The Sonic Brush marries efficiency, comfort and  professionalism with its sophisticated technology. It provides a new era where dental aesthetics and  innovation converge for the benefit of the user.  

1 comment

  • Alexander

    Thank you for thinking outside the box and addressing the issue of plaque dental care. I believe this will revolutionize dental care.

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